About Germania Lodge No. 46, F.&A.M.
- Germania Lodge meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.
- Dinner is served at 6:30pm. Gavel falls at 7:30pm.
- Germania Lodge is located at 4415 Bienville St in Mid City, New Orleans, LA 70119.
- If you are interested in renting our space for your event, please reach out to us on the contact page.
- Germania Lodge is proud to participate in the 16th District of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana's Scottish Rite Traveling Degree Team. Bringing together the best ritualists from across Scottish Rite craft lodges of the 16th Masonic District of Lousiana, the team's main objective is to assist in bringing these beautiful and historic degrees to interested brethren throughout the country for exemplification.
If you are interested in bringing the degree team to your next Symposium, Reunion, and/or any Masonic function, please contact us.
Meeting Information
Hall Rental
Traveling Degree Team
About the Craft
Seek and ye shall find
What is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest fraternity. Its history and tradition date to antiquity. Its singular purpose is to make good men better. Its bonds of friendship, compassion, and brotherly love have survived even the most divisive political, military, and religous conflicts through the centuries. Freemasonry is neither a forum nor a place for worship. Instead, it is a friend of all religions which are based on the belief in one God.
Freemasonry is proud of its philosophy and practice of "making good men better". Only individuals believed to be of the finest character are favorably considered for Membership. Every applicant must advocate his belief in the existence of a Supreme Being.
Interested in Becoming a Member?
Anyone seeking Membership in Freemasonry must ask a Masonic friend to recommend him. He must sign a Petition, stating his age, occupation, and place of residence. Members of the Lodge vote by secret ballot. To be accepted, the ballot must be unanimous. Feel free to stop by the lodge for dinner and introduce yourself.
The Masonic Degrees
The Candidtate receives three Masonic Degrees, concluding with the Third (or Master Mason's) Degree. The Degrees are solemn, enlightening, and an enjoyable experience with no uncomfortable or embarassing moments. It is here where the principles of Freemasonry are taught and where the new Member learns that his family and his own necessary vocations are to be considered above Freemasonry. Every Master Mason is welcomed as a "Brother" in any of the thousands of Regular Masonic Lodges throughout the world.